Tattoo Aftercare

Clean the tattoo 3 times in a day with sterile water or RO water for 7-10 days after the tattoo is done.
– Do not apply any kind o f moisturisers or cream on the tattoo for the next 7-10 days.
– Avoid chlorine water, swimming, beaches, direct sunlight and Wear loose full sleeves to protect your tattoo from the sun.
– Don’t apply soap on tattoo while bathing. Wash the tattoo separately.
– Do not peel the scabs, let it come off on its own.
– No exercise/gym or any other sweat related activity for first 2 weeks
– After 7 days you can start applying Vanquish stuff on the tattoo.
– Antibiotic is mandatory after every tattoo. Please note that the artist/studio is not supposed to suggest any kind of antibiotic. Let the doctors do their job.

What should I do if I get rashes around my tattoo?

– Do not Panic! Contact your local doctor, he might suggest you some anti-rash ointments or anti-allergy tablets to cure it. Usually rashes go away within a few hours.